lun. 28 sept.
|Maison des Associations / rez de chaussé
Q&A to help you with general questions regarding the public school system. Language : English - Free event

Heure et lieu
28 sept. 2020, 20:00 – 21:30
Maison des Associations / rez de chaussé, Grand-Rue 46, 1180 Rolle, Suisse
À propos de l'événement
APE VAUD & APERE are organizing 2 Q & A sessions to answer your questions regarding public schools in Canton de Vaud. Concerns are usually not the same for young children and older ones. Therefore please let us know how old your children are and what your concerns are in advance, It will help us to have all the relevant information at hand for the Q&A (email to Gaelle@lesmots.ch).
Please note that our sessions aims to help you with general questions regarding the Public school system and not to discuss the current sanitory situation.
Speaker : Gaëlle Miani, Former VP of the APE VAUD and Charlotte Nourrigat, member of the cantonal committee of APE Vaud
Maximum of 15 people
Free event
Language : English